Balance for your unique body

Low T?

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Are you experiencing fatigue, low energy, depression, lack of concentration, declining libido, erectile dysfunction, weight gain, loss of strength, difficulty sleeping, increased hair loss, or irritability? These symptoms may be indicative of low testosterone levels.

Unfortunately, low testosterone is often overlooked and underdiagnosed. Men may attribute these symptoms to the natural aging process or a busy lifestyle. However, it is not normal to feel weak, tired, irritable, or exhausted on a daily basis, regardless of age or lifestyle.

Fortunately, checking testosterone levels is a simple blood test. However, it is important to note that the numbers alone do not provide a complete assessment. Whether you are seeking relief from your symptoms, an improvement in your quality of life, or simply a return to feeling good again, Boost MD can provide valuable information on testosterone balance.

While aging is inevitable, feeling older is a choice. Take control of your health and well-being by learning more about testosterone balance with Boost MD

We understand that it can be difficult when the body no longer produces enough testosterone. It's important to know that there are options available to help.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be a great option for men with low testosterone levels. It can help improve sexual function, overall health, energy levels, mood, and mental function. It's important to note that testosterone levels naturally decline as we age. However, it's also important to determine if a low testosterone level is due to normal aging or a disease called hypogonadism.

Hypogonadism is a condition where the body is unable to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem with the testicles or pituitary gland. If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of low testosterone, know that you are not alone. Testosterone replacement therapy can help improve your quality of life and overall well-being.


Testosterone is recognized as the primary male sex hormone and is the first hormone detectable in males approximately 8 weeks after conception. In men, testosterone plays a crucial role in the development of the testicles and prostate, as well as in the regulation of muscle mass, bone density, facial hair, libido, and sexual function.

During puberty, testosterone levels reach their peak and begin to decline by the age of 30. Unfortunately, over the past two decades, a significant decline in men's testosterone levels has been observed, which has never been witnessed before in history.

Currently, the average 30-year-old male has testosterone levels equivalent to those of a man twice his age. This alarming fact highlights the need for effective management of low testosterone levels, which can be achieved through testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). For more than 90 years, TRT has been utilized by men to reverse the symptoms of low testosterone, although there is no known cure for this condition.

It is estimated that nearly one-third of men experience low testosterone levels, with some experts suggesting that this figure may be even higher. Unfortunately, many men are unaware of their condition, while others may feel too embarrassed to discuss it. Alarmingly, projections indicate that by 2025, an estimated 15 million men in North America will be affected by low testosterone, making it one of the most commonly overlooked and untreated medical conditions.

Causes of Testosterone Deficiency in Men

Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome can arise from various factors and is classified into primary (testicular) and/or secondary (non-testicular) causes. Primary hypogonadism occurs when there is an issue with the testes, leading to inadequate testosterone production. The effects of this condition vary depending on the stage of life it occurs. Children born with primary testicular failure require lifelong hormonal support and specialist endocrinologist management. Adult men may acquire primary hypogonadism due to chemotherapy, requiring testosterone replacement therapy. Secondary hypogonadism results from a problem in the hypothalamus/pituitary gland, causing decreased testosterone and sperm production. Lifestyle interventions such as exercise and dietetics support can improve serum testosterone levels and reduce the required testosterone dose in treatment.

Symptoms of low T

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Sexual Signs & Symptoms

  • Decreased Sex Drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Reduced Morning Erections
  • Delayed Ejaculation
  • Reduced Ejaculate Volume
  • Decreased Intensity of Orgasm
  • Infertility/Subfertility
  • Hot Flashes

Behavioral Signs & Symptoms

  • Fatigue/Low Energy
  • Mood Swings/Irritability
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Poor Concentration
  • Poor Memory
  • Low Motivation

Physical Signs & Symptoms

  • Decreased Muscle Mass & Strength
  • Decreased Physical Performance
  • Increased Body Fat
  • Loss of Body Hair
  • Testicular Atrophy
  • Unexplained Anemia
  • Osteopenia or Osteoporosis
  • Gynaecomastia

Low T has also been associated with numerous,

sometimes severe health issues, including increased risks of:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke
  • Respiratory disease
  • Osteoporosis, or the thinning of bone density, making you more prone to injury
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Decline in all-cause mortality



step 1: getting started

Taking the first step towards BHRT can be daunting. Simply pick up the phone and we'll guide you through the process. We'll send you a personal health questionnaire and arrange a consultation to answer your questions and assess your suitability.

step 2: consultation

We understand that your symptoms and concerns are unique to you. Our BHRT Specialist will listen carefully and work with you to determine your needs. We'll send you a blood requisition form and recommend completing your blood work at least four weeks prior to your first visit.

step 3: treatment

We understand that you may be anxious to start your treatment, but please know that we take your health and safety seriously. Your personalized plan will be tailored to your unique needs and may include various paths such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management. We will work with trusted compound companies to ensure that your BHRT hormone prescriptions are safely and accurately manufactured. Please be patient as this process may take several days.

step 4: treatment follow-up

Identifying and prescribing the right hormones and supplements at the right levels can be a delicate process. That's why we provide careful supervision and ongoing monitoring. After twelve weeks of treatment, we'll recheck your blood to ensure everything is on track. We recommend two more follow-ups, twelve weeks apart, to review your progress and make any necessary adjustments. We're here to optimize your treatment plan and support you every step of the way. After that, checkups are typically just twice per year, unless your BHRT specialist recommends otherwise.



Have you ever heard of bioidentical hormones? They're like the superheroes of the hormone world! These molecules are created in a lab to have the exact same structure as the hormones your body naturally produces. That means they're biologically identical and can work wonders for your health.

At our special compounding pharmacy, we create a personalized treatment plan just for you. Our bioidentical hormone specialists take into account your lifestyle, diet, and stress levels to develop a program that's tailored to your specific needs. We don't just rely on test results - we take the time to listen to how you're feeling and develop a prescription that will help you achieve optimal hormone balance.

Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional medicine and hello to a personalized, superhero-level treatment plan with bioidentical hormones.

Treatment Options May Include:


Progesterone is utilized to counterbalance the impact of estrogen, thereby reinstating libido, preventing weight gain, alleviating hormone-related mood swings, and safeguarding against ailments like osteoporosis. Its administration can be in the form of oral medication or cream, depending on the specific symptoms being addressed.


Dehydroepiandrosterone, commonly known as DHEA, is a hormone synthesized by the adrenal glands. It plays a crucial role in enhancing sexual arousal, insulin sensitivity, bone density, cognitive and physical abilities, and mitigating age-related ailments. Additionally, DHEA can lower the risk of heart attack by enhancing the lining of coronary arteries.


The natural aging process causes a decrease in thyroid levels, resulting in reduced metabolism and body temperature, leading to fatigue and depression. Hormone replacement therapy is an effective solution to alleviate these symptoms.


Anastrozole inhibits aromatase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen. Testosterone is crucial for male sexual characteristics and well-being, but can lead to imbalances and health issues when converted to estrogen. Anastrozole reduces estrogen levels, mitigating negative effects such as gynecomastia, hormonal imbalances, mood changes, energy levels, and sexual function.


Pregnenolone can inhibit the production of cortisol, meaning it is an effective stress reducer, can aid with weight loss and helps immunity. By reducing cortisol levels, pregnenolone has the effect of naturally boosting testosterone levels which can increase metabolism and lead to weight loss.


The hormone testosterone, which plays a crucial role in libido, muscle mass, and energy levels for both genders, is produced less by our bodies as we age. Replenishing this hormone to optimal levels can result in a more robust sex drive, enhanced muscle mass, increased energy levels, and improved mental acuity.


Human growth hormone stimulates the cellular metabolic process to activate your metabolism. It prompts the liver to signal protein that produces cartilage. Muscle protein synthesis occurs during the production of cartilage as well. People undergoing hGH therapy claim that they can build muscle mass more efficiently, increase their metabolism, and burn fat.


HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is used for different reasons in men and women. In women, HCG is administered alongside other fertility medications to enhance the likelihood of conception. In men, it aids in the synthesis of testosterone and sperm.


Estrogen encompasses a group of chemically similar hormones that are crucial for the healthy physiologic functions of your brain and other important organs. This group includes estradiol. For men, it is rare to find low estrogen levels unless that person is undergoing some kind of treatment to reduce estradiol directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for BHRT to start working?

The duration for bioidentical hormones to take effect varies. While some individuals may experience slight relief within a few weeks, the majority typically require approximately three months to fully benefit from hormone therapy.

How are bioidentical hormones given?

Various forms of bioidentical hormones are available, such as pills, patches, creams, gels, shots, and implanted pellets. The most suitable method for an individual is determined by their healthcare provider.

What are the risks of bioidentical hormones?

Upon approval by the FDA or Health Canada, drug companies are required to report any side effects reported to them. These side effects are included in the accompanying documentation provided when picking up medication from a pharmacy. Side effects may occur, particularly after the initial dose, as the body adjusts to the new level of hormones. Common side effects of bioidentical hormones include weight gain, blurred vision, tiredness, acne, increased facial hair, headaches, breast tenderness, spotting, cramping, bloating, and mood swings. Additionally, individuals may experience itching or redness in the area where hormones are applied if using a patch, cream, or gel. Adjustments to dosage may be necessary in some cases.

Is BHRT Covered By Insurance?

The answer varies depending on your health insurance. Some policies cover more than others. Insurance covers certain prescription hormone therapy costs. Many of these are bioidentical. If you are a candidate for hormone replacement therapy, check with your insurance provider. Even if HRT is a medical necessity, your plan may not cover the medications. Many times, insurance does not cover holistic or progressive treatment plans. It doesn’t cover bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in these cases.

Conventional HRT vs. BHRT, what’s the difference?

BHRT and HRT differ primarily in their composition. BHRT is sourced from plants that closely resemble the hormones produced by the human body, while HRT is made from synthetic hormones and the urine of pregnant horses. BHRT offers the advantage of being customizable to individual needs, whereas HRT is available only in standard doses. Many women prefer BHRT due to its natural origin.

What are the costs involved with BHRT?

The fee for the first consultation is $495, while subsequent follow-up consultations cost $295, with three in the first year and twice yearly thereafter. The cost of monthly prescriptions and supplements will vary depending on individual needs, but typically, each prescription required will cost around $30-$50.

How does my healthcare provider select my dose?

Patients undergoing hormone treatment are closely monitored by their healthcare providers with the aim of alleviating symptoms using the minimum effective dose for the shortest duration. Depending on the provider, regular blood, urine, or saliva tests may be conducted to assess hormone levels. Dosing may be adjusted based on changing hormone requirements.

Will you become my new doctor now?

Our office is pleased to collaborate and correspond with your local physician, while you will remain under their general care as a patient. Boost MD specializes in BHRT, which addresses the effects of aging rather than diseases. We complement your physician's care, rather than substitute it. We may consult with your physician as needed.

Can you make use of other tests or lab work that I have already had done?

It is beneficial to provide any lab tests, such as bone density, mammograms, PAP smears, or other diagnostic examinations conducted within the past year, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of your health status and aid in symptom diagnosis. Additionally, Boost MD mandates completion of a comprehensive male or female Blood Panel, which surpasses conventional blood tests, to precisely determine hormone levels and prescribe personalized hormone replacement therapy.

Contact us

We understand that seeking hormone replacement therapy can be overwhelming. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us for more information on our programs. We're here to support you and answer any questions you may have.



Phone: (403) 465-1763

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